Use "delegitimize|delegitimized|delegitimizes|delegitimizing" in a sentence

1. Discriminatory practices in public health will continue to persist unless Ableism is thoroughly challenged and delegitimized in official health policy.

2. Donald Trump, arguably the more prominent of the so-called Birthers, attempted to delegitimize Barack Obama’s presidency by continually arguing that he …

3. Antiracial bordering, as we conceptualize it, is a rhetorical practice that participates in and perpetuates racism, and can be characterized by a series of interlocking discourses that depend on delegitimizing racial borders as organizing structures in contemporary U.S

4. A jumble of Contradictions, Scalia promised neutral tools to legitimize the Supreme Court, but his jurisprudence and confrontational style moved the Court to the right, alienated potential allies, and helped to delegitimize the institution he was trying to save.